.Tuesday, March 10, 2009 ' 7:08 PM
I have not updated this blog for very long alreadie..haha
I've alreadie finished my PMU basic course..alreadie beem sent on ground alreadie..very cool...can experience alot of things..today is my off day..haha
on the 8th of march...2 days ago was our 2nd year anniversary..! =) i bought for baby a deep sleep from body shop and baby bought for me a NUM sandals.. yippee..didnt manage to celebrate it on the day itself but we'd just celebrated it today..haha
we booked a chalet at downtown east..had lots of fun..we played twister..baby ended up laughing..apparently its bacause of the way i position myself on the twister mat..haha..We went to eat at pastamania..the food there is not bad actually..was my first time eating pastamania..haha..we also played worms on baby's psp..! haha
Happy 2nd year anniversary baby..! love you so so so much..! =D