.Sunday, September 28, 2008 ' 1:05 PM
its gg to be the fourth week since i'm enlisted to NS! so far..i quite proud of myself..though its the fasting month i have to break my fast during training..though is physically demanding..yayy..!haha..
hari raya is next week..book out on tuesday and have to book in on wed night..
guess what am i listening to right now..brand new cd..rock on piano...
thanks b!!!
.Sunday, September 21, 2008 ' 1:39 PM
The word ulcer is first derived from an old french language "ulcere", which came from the latin word - ulcus "ulcer". I recently had an ulcer.. having an ulcer during fasting month is tough..though i am hungry i cant really enjoy my food when i break my fast.. having an ulcer while serving ns is tough..as i need to shout.. and considering the fact that my ulcer is huge..the moment i open my mouth i felt a stinging pain..
but having an ulcer during the fasting month and serving ns at the same time..its hell haha..
enough bout my ulcer..haha..two weeks in camp alreadie..the past week was quite tough...eveyday ran 2.4 km and exercises...tiring..next week is my ippt..so far how many pull ups i can do..still none..haha... but i think i can pass all the rest of the stations..haha..
baby got a new name for me.. "botak"..haha..botak is the in thing now..haha..but in camp we are called mangkuk.. coz our head look like a bowl..lol
n oh ya..! my baby passed her btt!! yayy!! she's so smart =).. i promised her i'll be treating her pizza if she passed..after fasting month you'll get your pizza okie.. hehe.. told ya 17 is a lucky date! haha
.Sunday, September 14, 2008 ' 1:22 PM
I'm back after 4 days of training at the home team academy..! haha..the day before my national service, baby and i went to the zoo! it was so much fun...! i like the animal show..haha..well here are the pics..we took lots and lots and lots of pics..hehe

Our tickets..mine is the picture of orang utan..haha
Our trusty map..lol

i dun think can c them clearly...but these are sea otters..they are actually showing off..doing backflips..haha

is this a leopard or cheetah..? haha
baby and org utan..
me with a monkey eating their breakfasts..

baby's turn to take with them =)
the one on the front is sleeping..what time alreadie..still sleeping..ish ish ish

Time check.. it was about 10 am..still sleeping..no wonder so fat..haha
The fierce one is actually not behind the glass but the one who is outside the glass..haha
This wolf is actually doing its morning walk..its walking around the same area continously..very hard to take its pic..
baby and giraffe
more giraffe

another giraffe..haha
giraffe of the day! look carefully..see the wet patch below it? its urinating..eee..no shame!haha
A herd of zebras
a deer?haha
rhinos are actually small..hehe

Polar bears are actually super super huge..haha

baby..how tall are u? =)

i think this is also a deer..haha
jangan pandang blakang! (dun look behind you)
2 lioness

this one is awake! haha
the king of the jungle
That's me!
That's baby!
We are both actually camouflaging ourselves..we purposely looked very dark so the lion wouldn't notice our presence..haha
I think this is a cheetah..haha
From now on.. there'll b lots of snakes..haha

ok..i noe this one is not a snake..i think they are lost..haha

he must be wondering y he is among all the snakes..haha
How are you guyz doing down there? we are up here..haha

scenes from the elephant show!