.Sunday, April 13, 2008 ' 7:57 PM
For the past month or so, we faced a very very huge problem..Baby had to suffer the most.. =(..it's really wasnt easy for us.. neither it is for her..but i must say I am really proud of her.. she was brave to have gone through all this and she did one thing that not many people have the courage to do..I noe it takes a lot of courage to do it and she pull it through..I will always stand by u syg..no matter what happen..For now, the situation seemed to be a lot better now..and i believe all would be well in the future.. =)
Anyway a few updates... baby no longer work at Watson.. now she is working at a law company which she was attached to last time.. and I... still working at the same place..the job at tnt was ok..but can be very tiring though..haha..
I love my baby so so much..!!! =)