.Sunday, March 30, 2008 ' 9:36 PM
Baby working afternoon shift next whole week and wed is her off day... as for myself... i found a job alreadie..! haha.. i worked as a warehouse assistant with TNT at changi.. its 6.50 per hour.. at first my job was to count the stocks in the warehouse.. but now i am suppossed to do packaging.. which is much more busier.. haha..
baby got vouchers from watson and she got us a beckham deodarant each... the male and the female versions... both got very nice smell.. haha.. she got for me gatsby wax and nivea face wash and she got herself wax for her permed hair..thanks b!!
btw.. our group won 3rd place for the final 5 project..! we won 200 bucks... so each of us will get about 33 bucks...its better than nth.. yippee..!!!
.Sunday, March 23, 2008 ' 8:57 PM
Its been more than a week since i last post.. haha.. Recently i bought a couple ring for me and baby at moshi moshi from wisma atria..made a lot of multiple trips there... first the size not available... then after that go and engrave.. haha.. the ring is black colour... its plain and simple.. and nice..and its actually divided into 2 parts..the top part can spin2.. haha... here's the picture... but i dun think can see clearly though... I put the ring in the middle of a book so it makes a heart shape shadow... nice right??? haha

B going to have her ept test tmr and tuesday.. dun worry k baby... i believe that you can pass nye..pass your english nye and i believe your malay would be a piece a cake.. haha.. Good Luck B!
.Friday, March 14, 2008 ' 9:24 PM
Today baby started work at watson.. Finally baby got a job.. haha.. and i... still haven got a job except for teaching tuition and working with my father on sunday.. we wish that we could have worked together at the same.. but well consequence doesn't allow us to do that... thats a shame.. i'll try to find a job near your place k baby?
Anyway.. WE ARE GRADUATING SOON..! haha.. we got our results already.. we did well..!!! soon we will be diploma holders..so fast time flew.. or in our term would be swim.. hehe.. not sure when i NS though.. Gg to miss the soccer days.. the Major Project days.. year 3... year 2.. year 1.. and of course the 08 peeps..! baby gg to miss her friends too.. her close friends.. our project mates..
Our prac tech project got into the top 5..that's great! this monday must present.. hope we win and get some money.. haha
.Saturday, March 8, 2008 ' 12:41 PM
Everyone have something that’s important to them
Every single women and every single man
For example how a musician is going to jam
If he is going to be without his band
If you ask a tennis player
His answer would be his racquet
And if you ask a baseball player
He will straightaway answer bat
If a cook was questioned
It would be his kitchen
And if you go up to the photographer
He would show you his camera
But if you came up and ask me
What is important to me or who
Look into my heart and you can see
That my answer would be you
We have been through a lot together
Those ups and downs, the wrongs and right
People say love is like a rollercoaster
But whatever happens we’ll continue the ride
Today we are one years old
Hope we’ll be together till we grew old
Happy one year anniversary!
I love you very much baby!